Trademark Act Article 109Nov. 30, 2016

Special provisions for date of priority

In an application filed to register a motion, hologram, or any combination thereof as a trademark with a priority claim, if the date of filing of the first such application in a country which has reciprocal recognition of priority rights with the ROC or with a member of the WTO was prior to the enforcement of the articles of this Act amended on May 31, 2011, the date of the said enforcement shall be deemed the priority date of such application.

In an application filed with a claim of exhibition priority, if the date of the first display of goods or services under the trademark applied for, at an international exhibition which was held or officially recognized by the Government of the ROC, was prior to the enforcement of the articles of this Act amended on May 31, 2011, the date of the said enforcement shall be deemed the date of exhibition priority of such application.

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