Criminal Code of the Republic of China Article 80Jan. 15, 2020

Prosecution is barred by limitation if not exercised within the following periods: "1. Thirty years for an offense that carries the maximum principal punishment of death or imprisonment for life or for not less than ten years, except for such offense that results in death. "2. Twenty years for an offense that carries the maximum principal punishment of imprisonment for not less than three years and the maximum punishment for less than ten years. "3. Ten years for an offense that carries the maximum principal punishment of imprisonment for not less than one year but not more than three years. "4. Five years for an offense that carries the maximum principal punishment of imprisonment for less than a year, short-term imprisonment, or a fine. "These periods specified in the preceding paragraph shall commence from the day on which the offense is committed; provided that the offense is of a continuing nature, when the period shall commence from the last day on which the offense is completed.

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