Criminal Code of the Republic of China Article 10Jan. 15, 2020

The term “not less than,” “not more than,” or “within” includes the given figure.

The term “public official” means the following persons:

1. Those who empowered with legal function and power serve an organization of the state or a local autonomous body; and engaged in public affairs in accordance with law.
2. Those who, entrusted by an organ of the state or a local autonomous body, are engaged in the public affairs within the authority of the entrusting organization.

The term “official document” means a document made by a public official in the course of his duty. "The term “serious physical injury” means one of the following listed injuries:

1. Destruction of or seriously damage to the sight of one eye or both eyes.
2. Destruction of or serious damage to the hearing of one eye or both ears.
3. Destruction of or serious damage to the function of speech, taste, or smell.
4. Destruction of or serious damage to the function of one limb or more limbs.
5. Destruction of or serious damage to the function of reproduction.
6. Other serious injury to body or to health that is either impossible or difficult to cure (is either not or unlikely curable).

The term “sexual intercourse” means the following listed sexual acts that are not based on rightful purposes:

1. Insertion of a reproductive organ into the reproductive organ, anus or mouth of another person or an act of making them connected.
2. Insertion of a body part or an object other than a reproductive organ into the reproductive organ or anus of another person or an act of making them connected.

The term “electromagnetic recording” means records for computer processing made through the use of electronic, magnetic, optical or other similar means.

The term “abuse” means any act of abuse or maltreatment of another person in a violent, coercive or inhumane way.

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