Company Act Article 392Aug. 1, 2018

The competent authority may issue certificates of matters contained in various company registration.

Same Article Laws

Company Act Article 392-1Aug. 1, 2018

A company may apply for registration of corporate name in a foreign language to the competent authority and the authority shall register such foreign name in accordance with the foreign name indicated in the Articles of Incorporation. "The competent authority may, by application, under one of the following circumstances, order a company to change its registration within a certain time limit, after the foreign corporate name is registered in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph; if the company fails to change its registration after expiry of the given time limit, the competent authority shall cancel or nullify the registration of the foreign name of that company: "1. A foreign corporate name is identical with the foreign name which is registered or approved by pre-registration enquiry by another export/import firm prior to the registration of such foreign corporate name under the trade regulations. This restriction is also applicable in case the registration of such export/import firm has been canceled, withdrawn or nullified for less than two years; "2. A foreign corporate name has been enjoined from using by a final court decision; or "3. A foreign corporate name is identical with the foreign name of a government agency or public welfare organization. "The kinds of foreign languages set forth in Paragraph One shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.

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