Company Act Article 274Aug. 1, 2018 |
Where a company issues new shares other than to the public, under the proviso to Article 272, it shall still be required to make the forms of subscription available as required by Paragraph I of the preceding Article. If property other than cash is paid by subscribers, additional particulars such as the name/title of the subscriber, the type, the quantity and the value of or the standards for evaluation of the value of the property furnished by the subscriber, and the number of shares allotted to the subscriber by the company shall also be stated in the form of subscription. After accepting property other than cash payment, the Board of Directors shall pass it on to the supervisor for inspection and comment, and shall report to the authority for approval. |
Company Act Article 272Aug. 1, 2018 |
When a company publicly issues new shares, the payment on such shares shall be in cash; where such shares are not issued to the public; however, but rather subscribed to by shareholders or by particular persons by agreement, any property necessary to the business of the company may be in lieu thereof. Details > |
Company Act Article 273Aug. 1, 2018 |
When a company publicly issues new shares, the board of directors shall prepare forms of subscription, setting forth therein the following particulars, to be filled by each subscriber with the number of shares subscribed, the kind and value thereof, and his domicile or residence, and to be signed and sealed by the subscriber: 1. Particulars specified in Article 129 and Paragraph One of Article 130; When a company publicly issues new shares, the company shall insert in the aforesaid forms of subscription the serial number of the document of approval and the date of approval by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs and shall, within thirty days after receipt of the notice of approval from such authority, publicly announce the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph together with the serial number of the document of approval and the date of approval and issuance of such shares. The business report, inventory, meeting minutes and the matters agreed upon with underwriter or distributing agency need not be publicly announced. After the expiration of the time-limit set forth in the preceding paragraph, if a company still desires to invite public subscriptions, a new application shall be filed. If the director designated to represent the company fails to prepare the forms of subscription in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph I under this Article, such director shall be subject to a fine of not less than NT$ 10,000 but not more than NT$ 50,000 to be imposed by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs. Details > |
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